Fire Wise Community Meeting 10-26-23

Hello WCC Community

From all the other emails of those that have attended the FireWise Community Meeting and from a number of WCC property owners that have not attended but received some information and from past brush and chipping removal, already provided by the FireWise Community at no cost to all of us, it is apparent that they provide very good support and services. One community with multiple pods looks like most agree that would serve us best. The big relief is that no WCC Property Owner is forced to be part of the WCC FireWise Community once set up. Over time those that had reservations and eventually gained more information and want to be active will always have that opportunity.  I have set up a few links on my personal website below for easy access to some of this information and as it grows I will continue to update it and provide a holding Google Doc location for some of this information.  My intention is not to be any main contact point for WCC FireSafe Community, just another source of helpful information when I can.

Kate Furlong, who was our main speaker and works for the FireSafe Council of Santa Barbara County did a excellent job of informing us on lots of details and answered lots of questions. She will be one of our main contact points as we move forward. She said she is here for anyone to contact her any time via email, not phone calls, so she has the time to respond with enough information as questions come in.  – helpful links – WCC Community

Thank you Danny Lewin for graciously offering your home for this FireWise meeting on 10-26-23 and Kenna Hickman for emailing all and starting this process. Also thank you to all those who brought in all that great food and for being there to support and share your time with us all.

The Wild Life


If our dogs don’t eat it the wild life will!  As you can see our front yard is a well traveled road.  If you are hiking in the mountains around here and keeping your eyes open in front and behind you for the mountain lions, here is a little hint.  You need to look a little higher as they hang out above you in the oak trees.